Online Events

(Scroll down for limited in-person events)


Monday, April 5 through Friday May 21 6pm Zoom Mondays-Fridays

Join us by Zoom for a short (5 minute) prayer for Eastertide every weekday during the Great 50 Days to remember the gifts of Resurrection life and turn our lives to the Way of Love.

The Way of Love Easter Book Group - Love is the Way by Bishop Michael B. Curry - Days/times tbd Zoom

Reading groups to read this book together for Eastertide and following the Way of Love. Email M. Mary Kate if you are interested.

In-Person Events

Eastertide and the Great Fifty Days

Eastertide In Person Holy Eucharist (weather permitting)

Sundays at 5pm

April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23

As the public health forecast continues to change (for the better, we pray!) we expect that Eastertide will include a season of re-introducing worship together. As a start, we will continue to gather briefly, outside, on Sunday afternoons, for a shortened service of Holy Communion. Eucharist will be distributed in a COVID-safe way. Pre-registration is required using this form and a wellness form must be completed within 24 hours before the event every time you plan to attend. Restrooms will only be available for emergencies.